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Bachelor's degree in Optics and Optometry (2009)

Professions in the branch of healthcare related to optics and optometry are recognised by Act 44/2003, of 21 November, on Healthcare Professions (Official State Gazette (BOE) 22/11/2003).
         The main aim of the Degree in Optics and Optometry is to train students so that they acquire the competencies required to exercise as opticians or optometrists, as provided for in the legislation in force.
General aspects of the curriculum
The curriculum of the Degree in Optics and Optometry is an official qualification adapted to the EHEA’s guidelines on the health sciences. Graduates will have obtained the competencies needed to exercise professionally, pursuant to Order CIN/727/2009, of 18 March, which establishes the requisites for the verification of official university qualifications that enable opticians and optometrists to exercise their profession.


The curriculum consists of 240 ECTS credits (1 credit = 25 hours of academic work, whether class hours, study time, group work, assessment work, etc.). It is made up as follows:

  • 60 ECTS credits for basic subjects
  • 120 ECTS credits for compulsory subjects
  • 36 ECTS credits for optional subjects
  • 24 ECTS credits for the final project

Of the 36 optional credits, at least 12 must be obtained by passing subjects from specialisation modules.

There are 3 specialisation modules:

  • Visual Health and Advanced Optometry and Contactology
  • Care and Management in Optics
  • Applied Optics

Students may also obtain up to 18 ECTS credits by going on work placement.


Up to 6 out of the total number of required optional credits may be earned in recognition for involvement at the University in cultural activities, sports, student representation, voluntary and charity work, etc.


Curricular areas

Subjects on the curriculum of the Degree in Optics and Optometry are divided into the following curricular areas:
A curricular area is a set of subjects with common learning goals that are assessed as a whole by means of curricular assessment

The assessment regulations for curricular areas can be found in the section on the specific academic regulations for these subjects in the curricular structure currently in force.


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Frequently asked questions on the Degree