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Generic Competencies

CG1       Know, design, and apply programs for prevention and maintenance related to the visual health of the population.

CG2       Perform visual examinations effectively in each of its phases: history-taking, selection and performance of diagnostic tests, establishment of prognosis, choice and execution of treatment, and, if necessary, drafting referral reports establishing collaboration levels with other professionals, to ensure the best possible care for the patient.

CG3       Advise and guide the patient and family throughout the treatment process.

CG4     Reflect critically on clinical, scientific, ethical, and social issues involved in the professional practice of optometry, understanding the scientific foundations of optometry and learning to critically evaluate terminology, clinical trials, and research methodology related to optometry.

CG5       Provide opinions, reports, and expertise when necessary.

CG6       Assess and incorporate necessary technological improvements for the proper development of their professional activity.

CG7       Be able to carry out planning and management activities in a service or small business in the field of optometry.

CG8       Be able to plan and execute research projects contributing to knowledge production in the field of Optometry, transmitting scientific knowledge through usual means.

CG9       Expand and update their skills for professional practice through continuing education.

CG10    Be able to communicate therapeutic visual indications and conclusions to the patient, family members, and other professionals involved in their care, adapting to the sociocultural characteristics of each interlocutor.

CG11     Place new information and its interpretation in context.

CG12     Demonstrate an understanding of the general structure of optometry and its connections with other specific and complementary disciplines.

CG13   Demonstrate and interpret critical/analytical analysis methods, theory development, and their application to the disciplinary field of optometry.

CG14     Demonstrate possession of knowledge, skills, and abilities in patient healthcare.

CG15     Demonstrate the ability to act as a primary visual care provider.

CG16    Demonstrate the ability to participate effectively in both unidisciplinary and multidisciplinary workgroups on projects related to optometry.

CG17    Incorporate the ethical and legal principles of the profession into professional practice, respecting patient autonomy, their genetic, demographic, cultural, and socioeconomic determinants, integrating social and community aspects into decision-making, and applying principles of social justice in professional practice in a changing global context.

CG18     Acquire the ability to perform patient-centered clinical management, health economics, and efficient use of health resources, as well as effective management of clinical documentation with special attention to confidentiality.


Specific Competencies

CE01      Understand the behavior of fluids and surface phenomena. Understand wave phenomena from oscillations and mechanical waves. Understand electric and magnetic fields up to the electromagnetic field and electromagnetic waves.

CE02      Determine the function of human body organs and systems. Understand the principles and bases of biological processes involved in the normal functioning of the visual system. Recognize, through macroscopic and microscopic methods, the morphology and structure of tissues, organs, and systems of the human body. Know and describe macroscopically and microscopically the structures that make up the visual system and its appendages. Know cellular structure, embryonic development, and organogenesis. Determine the development of the visual system. Know the different microorganisms involved in visual system diseases. Know the properties and functions of the different elements that make up the visual system.

CE03      Demonstrate basic knowledge of geometry and mathematical analysis. Apply general statistical methods to optometry and vision sciences.

CE04      Know the process of image formation and optical system properties. Know optical system aberrations. Know the fundamentals and radiometric and photometric laws.

CE05      Know the structure of matter, chemical dissolution processes, and the structure, properties, and reactivity of organic compounds. Know the composition and structure of molecules that make up living beings. Understand the transformations of biomolecules into others. Study the molecular bases of storage and expression of biological information. Apply biochemical knowledge to the eye and the visual process.

CE06      Recognize the eye as an optical system. Know basic vision models. Know eye parameters and models.

CE07      Know and manage basic laboratory materials and techniques.

CE08      Know light propagation in isotropic media, light-matter interaction, light interference phenomena, properties of monolayer and multilayer surfaces, and principles of lasers and their applications.

CE09     Know the principles, description, and characteristics of fundamental optical instruments, as well as the instruments used in optometric and ophthalmological practice.

CE10      Know and calculate the most relevant geometric, optical, and physical parameters that characterize all types of ophthalmic lenses used in optometric prescriptions and relate them to the properties involved in the adaptation process. Know the selection, manufacturing, and design processes of lenses. Be able to calculate geometric parameters of specific visual compensation systems: low vision, intraocular lenses, contact lenses, and ophthalmic lenses.

CE11      Know the physical and chemical properties of materials used in optics and optometry.

CE12     Know and manage techniques for analyzing, measuring, correcting, and controlling the effects of compensating optical systems on the visual system, with the aim of optimizing their design and adaptation. Be able to manage techniques for centering, adaptation, assembly, and manipulation of all types of lenses, from an optometric prescription to visual aids and protective eyewear. Ability to prescribe, monitor, and follow up optical corrections. Identify and analyze environmental and occupational risk factors that can cause visual problems.

CE13     Understand the factors limiting the quality of the retinal image.