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Career Paths


 Bachelor's Degree in Optics and Optometry

The employment rate of our graduates is very close to 100%.


Working as: 

  • Optical technical and health establishments.

  • Health centers, primary care centers, and hospitals.

  • Ophthalmology centers and clinics.

  • Optical industry: commercial and management technician.

Main functions:

  • Detection, diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of visual health problems.

  • Adaptation of glasses and contact lenses.

  • Visual rehabilitation and advice on visual hygiene and ergonomics.

  • Measurement and clinical diagnostic tests for surgical interventions.

Upon completion of the bachelor's degree, our graduates have the knowledge and skills necessary to enter the job market.

They also have the option to continue their education by pursuing master's studies to deepen their knowledge in a more specialized field or to focus their professional career on research by obtaining a doctorate: check the offer of university master's degrees and doctoral programs at UPC.

Master's Degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences

According to the Agency for Quality of the Catalan University System, 100% of graduates are employed.


It is a degree that adds value to the practice of the profession of optometrist in its different areas of specialization and meets a societal demand for specialized professionals. 

Some of the most common professional outlets are:

  • Technical direction of optical establishments.

  • Optometrist in public or private health centers (CAP, ophthalmology services, ophthalmic clinics, optometric offices, visual therapy, etc.).

  • Product manager in multinational companies.

  • Research in public and private centers and institutions.

  • Teaching and research at a university, if a doctorate is subsequently pursued.

The master's degree in Optometry and Vision Sciences provides professional specialization, improves applied clinical skills, and qualifies for research, offering the option to start an academic career by pursuing a doctorate. 
