Activities for high school

The Terrassa School of Optics and Optometry offers information about its studies and professional opportunities to students and secondary education centers.
We offer the following ways to directly inform you about our educational offerings:
- Workshops especially aimed at high school and CFGS students, but also open to secondary school teachers, tutors, and counselors. We will inform you about the studies and opportunities offered by the FOOT.
- Information sessions at the faculty itself, followed by a tour of the facilities.
- Information sessions at your center or organization.
- Conducting demonstrative practices at the faculty: 3D Vision, Eyeglass Assembly, Vision Graduation, etc.
- Outreach conferences at the faculty or your center or organization.
Workshop Title: Analog and Digital Photography with a Pinhole Camera
Instructor: Jaume Escofet
Brief Description: Traditional photographic cameras, whether analog or digital, form the image on a sensitive support. This support can be a film or photographic paper in the case of analog systems or an electronic sensor in the case of digital systems. In all cases, the element that forms the image is an optical device, called a lens, which contains an aperture and a set of lenses. In this workshop, photographic images will be formed with the simplest optical device of all: a small hole or pinhole. Cameras of different sizes and shapes will be used for this purpose. In the case of analog images, development will be carried out in the laboratory. Digital images will be processed using software.
Course and Level: High school students.
Availability: Second semester. Day of the week: Tuesday morning.
Workshop Schedule: From 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Duration: 3 hours.
Maximum Number of Participants: 10 people.
Cost: Materials must be paid for. These include: developing fluids and photographic paper. Price: 50 euros/group.
Location: FOOT
Some research papers supervised by faculty members of FOOT
"Eye defects from an optical point of view. Study of presbyopia"
Student: Queralt Palomas i Franquesa
Presented and defended on January 28, 2013 at the Sant Nicolau School of Sabadell.
Collaboration: Montserrat Tàpias Anton.
Student: Sara Garcia Pérez.
Presented and defended on January 28, 2009 at the Princep de Viana High School. Barcelona.
Supervised by: Montse Augé Serra.
Student: Anna Mestre.
Presented and defended on February 10, 2010 at the Escola Pia de Sabadell. Supervised by: Montse Augé Serra.
Detection and Prevention of Visual and Auditory Dysfunctions in Primary and Secondary Students
- Assessing the incidence of visual dysfunctions (myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, lazy eye...) and hearing in primary and secondary students
- Knowing the state of ocular motility and visual perception capacities in primary and secondary students
- Applying preventive programs to improve visual and auditory attention in reading and writing activities