
The Solidarity Optics Network project is the result of collaboration between the Ulls del Món Foundation, 2.5 New Vision Generation (Essilor International), and a women’s association in the Vilankulos district (Mozambique).

Its goal is the establishment of solidarity opticians to provide visual care to the local population, especially those with fewer financial resources, and train local women in the management of optician shops. This project also aims to reduce the disparity between men and women in developing countries in access to eye health services.

The services offered by these opticians are priced below market rates to facilitate greater access to visual health care for the population. Support from various foundations will provide the necessary resources to ensure the operation of the opticians, generating income for the community and allowing it to become self-sustaining in the future.

You can find more information on their website and on their Instagram @etniabarcelona_foundation.

SOLIDARITY OPTICS 2016: Sustainable Optics Initiative in Mozambique