Laptop loan services

We offer laptops for you to use during your stay at FOOT.

Who is it for?

This service is exclusively aimed at:

● UPC undergraduate, master's, and PhD students
● FOOT faculty and PTGAS staff

Loan conditions:

● Laptops must be picked up and returned to the FOOT concierge.
● Loans are daily, and therefore the equipment must be returned the same day. It is your responsibility to return the equipment within the established deadline.
● The latest return time is 30 minutes before the FOOT's closing time on the same day it was collected.

General service conditions:

● The laptop is the responsibility of the person who borrowed it.
● The laptops are for academic purposes only.
● The laptops are loaned configured and in good working condition and must be returned in the same state.
● FOOT is not responsible for any files or software that may have been saved or installed on the laptop. Once the laptop is turned off, any user-made modifications, including saved files, will be erased. Therefore, make sure to copy anything you need before shutting it down.
● If you have any hardware or software issues, please contact IT Services.
● If a malfunction is detected after the laptop has been returned and no prior notice was given, it will be considered misuse, and the penalty established in this document will apply.

Violation of the rules:

If you return the laptop late or in poor condition, penalty points will be applied depending on the type of infraction.

Serious offense: 30 days suspension

  • Failing to return the laptop on the same day of the loan.
  • Making changes to the software configuration.
  • Causing damage due to misuse, even if it does not prevent normal usage.
  • Removing the laptop from the building.

When a user accumulates 30 or more days of suspension, they are temporarily excluded from the loan service for blocks of 30 calendar days.
That is, the second time a serious offense is committed, the penalty will be 2 blocks of 30 days: 60 days. And so on.

Very serious offense: Replace the laptop with a new one. Meanwhile, the user will be excluded from the loan service.

  • Causing severe damage that prevents the normal use of the laptop.
  • Failing to return the laptop for any reason (including theft).

In addition to these penalties, the UPC may impose administrative and legal measures it deems appropriate and permanently exclude the user from the loan service.